West Harrow Allotment and Garden Association
The hut (Store) reopens on 18th February from 10 to 12 a.m.
The West Harrow Allotment and Garden Association (WHAGA) is an association for the plot holders on the two West Harrow Allotment sites.
It represents the views of the plot holders to the Local Borough of Harrow.
Membership is £2 a year which can easily be recouped by one visit to the store. In addition the Association is working on your behalf to organise the annual plant sale
and represent your interests to Harrow Borough Council and other bodies e.g. over the recent application to develop the old brethren site.
The Association runs the allotment Store which sells popular items at good prices.
Seed potatoes will be on sale from Sunday 18th February.
COUNTRY VALUE vegetable seeds will be available in the store. Checkout Store for the list of seeds and products
The latest Suttons Seed catalogue is on line at Suttons seeds
Members can get a 35% discount on seeds and a 10% discount on other items by using a form available on line
using code SUGS251K, this code changes anually.
We would recommend this great deal especially as the Association get an additional percentage of the order.
The RHS Home page gives you up-to-date information each month along with access to advice, plants, joining the RHS, gardens and competitions
Full of advice on growing vegetables
The umbrella organisation for allotments in Harrow
Harrow Borough Council allotment website
Copyright ©2015 WHAGA.